3 Main Lifts for Pitchers

3 Main Lifts for Pitchers 

By: Frank Fraschetti


    Squats are a big lift for pitchers. The reasoning behind this is because while pitching you use your legs so much. This is a good exercise because it also works more than just your legs. This lift also works on your core strength which is also very important when pitching. Also, there are different types of squats. For example, there are hold squats, lightweight quick rep squats, or just your normal squat. These different types of squats help with leg power also. 

Is the Squat King of all Exercises?


    This is another big lift for pitchers. This is another leg workout that increases power and strength. This is most pitchers' heaviest lift. This can be done in a couple different ways. This can be done with a straight bar like in the picture above, or a hex bar which is a little different, but you get the same outcome. By looking at a pitcher, you can tell how strong their lower body is just by looking at their legs. Some guys look uneven when you look at their bodies because their legs are so big. This is why these exercises are done so much and taken so seriously. 

Tip: The Ultimate Trap-Bar Deadlift | T Nation


    One-legged workouts are so important also. If you look at the mechanics of a pitcher you can see how much we use one leg when throwing. Pushing off the mound to create velocity is a big thing that we focus on to throw harder. So focusing on a lunge during a workout is very important because it helps pitchers so much to be strong on one leg. There are many ways to do this also just like the squat. There are different holds that can be done. I do these with a weighted vest, dumbells, or a straight bar. These lunges are the key to success for some pitchers. 

How to Make Smarter Choices When Polishing Your Athletes' Lunge Progressions


    As I mentioned that legs are so important to a pitcher and these 3 workouts are the key to success as a pitcher. These are things that almost every pitcher in the major leagues focuses on. I would say the biggest difference between nowadays and back in the modern day is that the players have the best of the best trainers and guys to help them that the older guys never had. It is definitely a benefit and makes it easier for them to succeed or find a workout that is best for them. 


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