Warm up- Before Pitching

Warm up- Before Pitching

By: Frank Fraschetti


    As a young kid, I never thought stretching was a big deal. When you get older you start to realize how important it is. I remember when I was young, I use to throw 2 games a weekend. Now, I need at least 4-5 days off before I throw again. It is different depending on if you are a starter, reliever, or closer. Being stretched out before throwing is so important because you use more than just your arm when throwing. Your whole body is being used and if your legs are not stretched it can cause you to not throw as hard. 

Why You Shouldn't Stretch 24 Hours Before a Game | STACK


Jaeger bands are a huge part of getting the arm loose before pitching. You see this being done before picking up a baseball. There is a series of exercises or stretches that are done to make sure your arm is loose and ready to throw. Everyone has a different routine they use based on what makes them feel the most stretched out and loose. There is no "set" exercises you have to do while using these. There are many different things you can do with these. 

Jaeger Sports Announced as Official Arm Care Partner of Factory Athletics -  Baseball Factory

Running/Movement Prep:

    Running and doing this like lunges can really help to get your body moving. This usually happens in lines with all the pitchers and something to get everyone moving and it helps to get a sweat going because you never want to throw without being warm. Most people would think why would running help a pitcher, but it takes a pitcher to be conditioned to go longer into a game or throw more innings. 

A's Bob Melvin wants pitchers, catchers to improve against running game –  The Mercury News


    Like I've said before, there is more to pitching than just throwing.  There is a process that should be taken into account. There is no time limit on this, you just go off of how your body feels. Understanding and getting a good routine for yourself is very important. 



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