High School vs College Pitching

High School vs College Pitching 

By: Frank Fraschetti

High School Pitching:

    Most people probably do not think that there is a big difference between pitching in high school compared to college. The truth is that there are a lot of differences between the two. In High School, I would say that you have more of an advantage over hitters because of the strike zone. The strike zone in High School varies just in college, but it is a bigger strike zone which is in favor of the pitcher because he has more room to throw the ball and makes it harder on the hitter to make contact. In college, the strike zone is like the major leagues and the umpires become better. They do not miss a lot of calls and are pretty consistent across the board. 

Negotiating the Strike Zone During a Major League Baseball Game | THE INFO  MONKEY

Hitters in College:

    Growing up and being around baseball and kids who want to end up in college is what you hear a lot about. Hitters at the college level start to realize and recognize the strike zone better and do not swing at pitches that a high school hitter would swing at. This makes it harder on the pitcher because as a pitcher you have to really trust your pitches and you can not be afraid to throw the ball over the plate. Also as you get older you get stronger so that is another thing that ties into hitting at the college level. Pitchers throw harder, but the ball is being thrown in better places and is more consistent. 

Prospectus Feature: The Universal Strike Zone - Baseball ProspectusBaseball  Prospectus

High School Hitters:

    High school hitters are not as strong and do not recognize the strike zone as good. Also, the hitters are not all college hitters so that makes it easier on the pitcher. These differences make such a big impact and can really change the game or how you would pitch. A guy in High School throwing 85 MPH can be overpowering, but not at the college level because there are kids throwing in the '90s. 


    High school hitters are just not as prepared or as good as college hitters. This can be seen by going and watching the two different levels. It is very easy to see just how much harder a college kid will hit it. Even a simple ground ball will be a lot harder in college because of its strength. All in all, pitchers have more of an advantage in High School rather than in college. 


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